Site Updates & Learning Journey

 Good day and welcome, today I figured I'd go back to learning some PHP, and I'm starting to get more comfortable with it and see how it can be utilized. I've been working through a tutorial on youtube from Traversy Media, an instructor who I've learned from in the past. We just got through get and post methods, and soon I'll be learning how to set up a database with mySQL and store my contact form data in there.
 Other than that I've been updating my keywords meta tag today in hopes of even better SEO. I've had pretty good luck with my SEO, and attribute that partly to my blog, and the text driven relevant data that I've been producing to keep my page relevant and 'on task'. I'm excited to take my website to the next level with this added functionality I'm hoping to provide through learning this PHP. I still have some Express JS written that I have no idea what it does to try to handle my form, which reminds me the necessity of staying with any given technology I attempt to implement.
 On UpWork I have yet to have success. I've applied to over 30 jobs since I've been on the platform, and I nearly have half of those proposals submitted in the last month. I'm definitely putting myself out there with the hopes of building professional experience and connections. I've reduced my rate to next to nothing, and I feel like it's just a matter of time, and a matter of getting myself infront of the right people, before I have some success. I'm excited to keep progressing and devoted to keep plugging away, attempting to improve myself a small amount each day.
 I have a number of tasks piling up in my head, and ideas of where to go next. For now, I'd like to finish off this PHP tutorial and work on implementing some backend structure into my site. Once this is achieved, I supposed I should go back to my JS learning/building, as I still have much to do, and a lot of potential, in this regard. A few more projects, along with a couple certifications, should do my portfolio, and ultimately my prospects of landing a job, a whole lot of good. Thanks for stopping by -- I'll be back, regularly making site updates, and periodically posting.

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